Thursday, June 17, 2010

Install c++ in ubuntu using Synaptic Package Manager

To install c++ in ubuntu, start Synaptic Package Manager from System of Ubuntu menu -> Administration

search g++ (GNC c++ compiler) and right click to mark for installation, and then mark additional required changes.

Install c++ in ubuntu using Synaptic Package Manager

Click Apply

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Install Sun JDK(JRE) on Fedora 13

Install Sun JDK(JRE) on Fedora 13

The steps below installs the Java SE Runtime Environment using an RPM binary bundle, on a 32-bit Linux as a example (include the newest Fedora 13).

Download JDK(JRE) RPM Linux from Sun's download page(, to any directory that you want. For myself.

Start a Terminal (Fedora's Top Menu -> Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal) and switch to the downloaded folder.

Swith to SU
and also enter the password.

set the executable permissions of the downloaded file.
$chmod a+x jdk-6u20-linux-i586-rpm.bin

execute the file.

Accept the terms.

Sun JDK on Fedora 13

The downloaded RPM file can be deleted after installation.